House Downloads

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Hale Gate Manor

(Front View) A large 2 bedroomed house with a great layout and fabulous second story enterance over the pool. All objects are Maxis. It is built on lot 2 and costs 297, 718 simoleans. (CLICK ON PICTURE TO DOWNLOAD).



(Back View)This house also has a large swimming pool, its own basketball court, a large balcony, all surrounded by beautiful trees and flowers.

The Cavern

(Front View) The cavern is a large house, designed for three people with two bedrooms, one adults, one childs. It also has a large swimming pool with nice surroundings. There are two objects included in this download which are not Maxis. If you want these objects (cars), which realy bring this house to its climax, feel free to email me and I will send them to you. They are also not made by me. You can still play this house without them. This house is built on lot 1 and costs 307,718 simoleans. (CLICK ON PICTURE TO DOWNLOAD)



(Back View) This house has a large swimming pool and a childs climbing-frame. It also has a large party area with two large sound systems, loads of dance floors, and some catering tables. This house contains two objects that are not Maxis, to get these, go to the Extra Downloads page.

The Lodge

(Side View) Sick of going on holiday to live in a lodge? Well now you dont with this two adult one story lodge. This house has all that you need. All objects are maxis.  This house is built on lot 55 and costs 62, 354 simoleans. (CLICK ON PICTURE TO DOWNLOAD)



(Front View) This house gives your sims a real outdoor, cosy feel. This house may only have one story but it has all your sims, and the essentials for finding jobs, keeping them happy, and builing their skills.

Hutton Court

(Front View) A huge luxurious mansion with an outer symetrical shape giving this house a much better look. With a large front and back balcony and large bay windows on the first floor, this house shows its owners wealth. All objects are maxis. It is built on Lot 2 and costs 277, 388 simoleans. (CLICK ON PICTURE TO DOWNLOAD)



(Front, First Floor View) This house is full of all the most expensive items made in the game giving your sims plenty to do.

Medieval Retreat

(Side View) This house has a medieval theme with mainly all wooden, browny coulered objects, but still brimming with life! With the mainly all of the objects old fasioned, with a few exseptions, this house is great for any sims player! All objects are maxis. (CLICK ON PICTURE TO DOWNLOAD)



(Front, First Floor View) This house steps back in time to the medieval style of living, and has a large outside pond.

Tudor Hall

Tudor hall is an old house that has been regenerated to a large luxury mansion, that any sim would be proud of. It is built on lot 1 and costs 223,050 simoleans. (CLICK ON PICTURE TO DOWNLOAD)



This house still has its old, natural surroundings except the newly fitted swimming pool, to make it more appealing to the sim population.

Kingstone Corner

This is a smaller house, but is beautiful in its own right. It has nice archetechture and filled with classy objects. It is two bedroomed, one childs, one adults. It is built on lot 50 and costs 191,983. All objects are maxis except the the two story columns and the glass floor which are included in the zip. (CLICK ON PICTURE TO DOWNLOAD)



This house hase a great layout, and is easy for your sims to get around. It comes complete with its own bar and games room.

Delphside Apartments

Delphside, has two beutiful 3 people, two bedroomed, apartments. One apartment has a childs' room for a girl, the other for a boy. The two apartments are very similar and share a large swimming pool. All objects are maxis except the two story columns and the glass floor which are included in the zip. The apartments are built on lot 78 and cost 215,981 simoleans. (CLICK ON PICTURE TO DOWNLOAD)



These apartments are quite identical, but you must make sure the sims moving in, will get along with the sims next door, unless you want neighbour wars!

Grapevine House

Grapevine House is a large mansion filled with the most exspensive and luxurious items around. With its own snooker and pool hall, a pet parlour, and a two spa's, this is every sims dream. The only thing is that this house is built on a community lot. The lot is 70, and before you place the file anywhere, you must change that lot, to a residential lot. The house costs 387,000 simoleans. (CLICK ON PICTURE TO DOWNLOAD)



The house is beautifully decorated and has a large swimming pool to the rear of the house.

Operdale Manor

Operdale Manor is a large, very modern mansion with a great layout. Complete with a swimming pool and games room with a bar, this is a great house for any sim. The house costs 206, 064 simoleans and is built on lot 2.



The house is all modernly decorated with a simple, but stylish look.


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